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15 reasons why you're a feminist | Western Women Suck

Male Dominated Culture

If you?re reading this, and you?re a Man, and you are from the ?Western World, well, chances are ? you?re a feminist.

No, really. I was (am) a feminist. As much as I hate to admit it, my Russian Woman shows me up every day. And then I cringe in disgust as I realize that my entire life I?ve been endoctrinated as a feminist.

What exactly is a feminist?

Alana always asks me, ?How do you describe feminism?? and ?What is it exactly?? I decided to do a Google search and I came across this website that had 15 examples of how you may be a feminist and not even know it. The article is designed to show people, who have a negative view of feminism that they are actually feminists themselves.

Sadly, the article is dead on. I took the test and I had Alana take it as well and she beat me hands down. Yes, you read that correctly, my Russian Woman is less feminist than I am.

Down in the comments section where I found this test, one lady (Marielle Mondon) very succinctly explained what feminism is:

Marielle Mondon

She says:

?Bottom line: if you support equality between men and women, you are a feminist.?

Recognize, she didn?t say ?If you support equal?rights?between Men and women, she said?equality.?This means, in her opinion, and in the opinion of all feminists,?MEN AND WOMEN ARE THE SAME.?And this is where feminism is wholly wrong ? men and women are quite different. By assuming Men and women to be the same, you do a disservice to both. And in time, it degrades the fabric of our society. Look around you ? divorce rate through the roof, the disintegration of the nuclear family, children raised by the state? I could go on and on.

Another woman writes that all ?Do you think you are a feminist? questionnaires should have only these questions:

Choose one.
A) I think of women as inferior to men.
B) I am a feminist.

I suggest that it should read:

Choose one.
A) I think of women as different than men.
B) I am a feminist.

I?ll post the questions here and I recommend that you take the test yourself and then keep your score before scrolling down to read Alana?s answers. You may be shocked to find that Eastern Women are less feminist than you are.

Here is the article and the ?Am I a feminist? test in its entirety (bold & italicized):

So, you?ve been wondering whether you should be claiming the F-word. Feminists are often stereotyped as hairy-pitted activists who hate men, love women too much, are physically incapable of humor and probably don?t wear bras. Katy Perry recently accepted the Billboard Woman of the Year award by announcing to the world, ?I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women.?


As Katy Perry demonstrates, feminism is often misunderstood. In fact, being a feminist simply means you are an advocate of the rights and equality of women. You don?t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman.


Still not convinced? Well, here are 15 signs you might be a feminist.


1) You are a supporter of rights and equality for men and women.


2) You took a women?s studies course and it motivated you to make a difference.


3) You thought this year?s Victoria?s Secret Fashion Show once again lacked diversity.


4) You pay special attention to how gender roles are portrayed in the media.?


5) You prefer to be recognized for your talents and not your looks. ?


6) You are highly offended when you are given specific tasks based on your gender.


7) You don?t see anything wrong with women who run their own households.


8) You often wonder why men are still being paid more than women in the workforce.


9) You are interested in advocacy and have strong opinions about issues that affect everyone.


10) You?ve thought about taking self-defense classes in order to protect yourself.


11) You believe patriarchy is an unjust system that is oppressive to women.


12) The idea of getting married and having children in your 20s is not desirable.


13) You enjoy movies with a strong female lead. For example, you prefer The Hunger Games over Twilight.


14) During this year?s election, you were able to determine which politicians had no interest in protecting women?s reproductive rights.?


15) Unlike Katy Perry, you wouldn?t be afraid to call yourself a feminist.?


No matter who you are, if you believe in the strength of a woman, you?re soaking in feminism. You can call yourself whatever you want, but consider this: Any word that is feared has power. When a woman gives up her power, you have to question if she truly knows her worth.

Really, here is the difference between feminists and us traditional men: feminists believe that Men and women must compete. Read the last sentence, ?When a woman gives up her power?? The feminist assumes that a woman must compete ? why can?t a woman compliment a Man and he compliments her? Alana is always asking me, ?Why do American women want to compete with Men? It makes no sense to me.

Ok, have you written down your score? If you scored 0 ?yes? answers then you are not a feminist ? at all. If you scored 12/15 ?yes? answers, then I suggest you grow a pair and get over to Ukraine immediately.

Here are Alana?s answers. I wrote them into my iPhone between laughs. Seriously, I was laughing so hard as she gave me her answers; I haven?t laughed so hard in months. Her answers were MUCH MORE non-feminist than my answers and it really makes me re-think how I view the relationship between Men and women.

1) You are a supporter of rights and equality for men and women.

Alana: No


2) You took a women?s studies course and it motivated you to make a difference.

Alana: Seriously?


3) You thought this year?s Victoria?s Secret Fashion Show once again lacked diversity. Alana: They are selling underwear, my friends from Japan buy underwear that European women wear, not Japanese women. It is a commercial project, they try to sell underwear, it should be no surprise that they select the women that sell the most product.?


4) You pay special attention to how gender roles are portrayed in the media.

Alan: This is ridiculous? Are you kidding?


5) You prefer to be recognized for your talents and not your looks.

Alana: Why, I?m a woman ? I know I?m smart, for what reason I will show everyone? I can show my legs, what is the problem?


6) You are highly offended when you are given specific tasks based on your gender.

Alan: What does this mean? I don?t understand.

Scott: It means, you get mad when you are expected to do Woman duties like cooking and cleaning while men do traditional male duties like cutting the grass.

Alana: Cutting trees is harder than washing the dishes, what is the problem?


7) You don?t see anything wrong with women who run their own households.

Alana: (Sarcastic look) ?I think these women are alone.?


8) You often wonder why men are still being paid more than women in the workforce.

Alana: No, this is the main role of men, to pay women?s bills. Dear, it would be strange if I paid your bills.


9) You are interested in advocacy and have strong opinions about issues that affect everyone.

Alana: I believe that your main goal in life is to look after your husband, secondly, to look after your children, third, to care for your parents and then to worry about global issues. What?s the point to care about global warning if you don?t have a husband?


10) You?ve thought about taking self-defense classes in order to protect yourself.

Alana: For what point? Physically I am not so strong ? I should use my logic & intelligence to avoid situations.


11) You believe patriarchy is an unjust system that is oppressive to women.

Alana: No, if every country believed in this system, we would have such a strong social system ? it is the only system in which you can avoid anarchy


12) The idea of getting married and having children in your 20s is not desirable.

Alana: Technically no, because most women are silly. ?Getting married before 30 is OK and getting married after 30 is OK. But getting a sperm donor because you waited until 40 and have no man is stupid & selfish. These women don?t want a child, they want a toy; it is very selfish.


13) You enjoy movies with a strong female lead. For example, you prefer The Hunger Games over Twilight.

Alana: Seriously? Who watched that movie?


14) During this year?s election, you were able to determine which politicians had no interest in protecting women?s reproductive rights.?

Alana: I believe that women?s reproductive rights is not Man?s business.


15) Unlike Katy Perry, you wouldn?t be afraid to call yourself a feminist.?

Alana: I can?t? believe that women believe in this, for me its strange

Well, there it is, it seems that my Russian Woman is only 1/15th feminist (she answered ?yes? to question #14). How about you? How did you score? I?d love to hear some feedback in the comments on how you fared in this feminist test. I?ll share how I answered later in a follow up comment.

If you answered ?yes? to more questions than ?no,? then I suggest that you re-examine your own views on Male/Female relationships.

If you are considering a membership at an Eastern European dating agency, the ONLY reputable agency that I have found is Elena?s Models:

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Source: http://www.westernwomensuck.com/2013/08/05/15-reasons-why-youre-a-feminist/

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